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Dr. Greta Oliver

EDUCATEU - EPISODE 13 - Securing the Bag, Finding Money for College

The Real Money Coach, Tony Jackson spoke to us about ways to prepare financially for college. He provided us with tools and strategies to make sure that money is available at the time that it is needed. He specifically discussed budgeting tips, use of Roth IRA’s and cash value life insurance as saving mechanisms. He discussed the 529 plan and the pros and cons of its use. Most importantly he emphasized to parents that dreams of higher education can be realized and that it’s possible for students to progress through a course of study in a responsible manner.

HOST: Dr. Greta Oliver - a former high school teacher, and higher education administrator with 30+ years of expertise is the author of the best-selling book, College Roadmap: Essential Tips for First-time College Students and Their Families ART DIRECTOR/VIDEO DESIGNER: Terence Oliver, Brittany Annis SOUND/AUDIO MIXER: Darrel Greene LOGO DESIGN - Brittany Annis

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