Greta Oliver Consulting provides seminar courses to small groups and individuals in areas related to transition, personal development, diversity education, and career exploration. Training can be provided at your choice of venue. If you need help, call or email today!
Courses start at $150 per hour with a minimum commitment of 3 hours.
C103 Using Your College Roadmap Book
Students and parents will explore the techniques of working through the book in preparation for beginning their college journey.
Audience: College students and family members.
Required Textbook: College Roadmap: Essential Tips for First-Time College Students and their Parents
C200 Career Exploration
Through the use of a paper or online assessment, students will be made aware of the type of job for which they are best suited. Using assessment information, students will be guided through the steps to find the job that matches their skill set, be taught how to prepare a cover letter, resume, and other important job search strategies.
Audience: Prospective employees
C201 Resume Development
Students will be taught how to develop a resume that showcases their skills and experience from start to finish.
Audience: Prospective employees
C202 Resume Revamp
Students will submit a current resume to be reviewed and updated for a specific position or for general use.
Audience: Prospective employees
Speaker Series
To book Dr. Greta Oliver for a speaking engagement, please send an email to with details regarding your request.
Virtual cost of a series will be determined based on the number of participants and the length of the presentation. Series development and presentation will be billed starting at $150 per hour.
In-person seminars begin at a cost of $500 per half-day session plus travel and accommodations to be finalized prior to the event being held. (Typical full-day seminar is approximately $1500).
SS100 Diversity Education
Participants will be taught the types and benefits of diversity and understand how to understand and appreciate the differences of their peers.
SS102 How to Go to College
Students and their family members will explore the College Roadmap book to understand the tips necessary to gain admittance, progress through, and graduate from college.
SS103 Support Services for 1st-Gen College and Underrepresented Students
A session that provides information about First Generation and Underrepresented Students and the supports that are needed by these special populations in higher education to thrive and persist.
© 2021 by Greta Oliver Consulting, LLC