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EDUCATEU - Episode 26 - The Importance of Time Management, Preparing for Success

Dr. Greta Oliver

On Episode 26 of EducateU, Angelic Dean who serves the Associate Dean of Students at Graham Elementary and Middle School, discusses the importance of time management in the life of college students and how good time management leads to student success. Additionally, she provides tips and strategies for students who are attending college to help them make choices to help them reach their goals of getting organized and focused in their day to day lives. #highereducation #studentsuccess, #educateupodcast

HOST: Dr. Greta Oliver - a former high school teacher, and higher education administrator with 30+ years of expertise is the author of the best-selling book, College Roadmap: Essential Tips for First-time College Students and Their Families

ART DIRECTOR/VIDEO DESIGNER: Terence Oliver, Brittany Annis


LOGO DESIGN - Brittany Annis

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